December 25th 2019 Solar Eclipse | Capricorn New Moon, 4 degrees | 9:11 pm PST

Tonight’s solar eclipse in Capricorn is wrapped with bold new beginnings, as it sits in conjunction with growth-junkie Jupiter and is making a harmonious trine to innovative Uranus in Taurus. As Jupiter is known to expand and bless whatever it touches and Uranus is known to spontaneously disrupt the familiarity of confined consciousness, whether we asked for it for Christmas or not, we are all being given a radical opportunity to create real and lasting change in our lives.

What lessons, amongst many, has 2019 gifted me with? There’s a benefit to hitting our limits. Reaching a breaking point forces the honest confrontation with what’s not working in our reality; opportunity is liberated, through Nature’s loving force, to transform the unconscious energy used to fuel self-destructive behaviors into conscious positive change. In the moment reality shatters our illusions, the turmoil of truth often feels like a destiny of devastation. Being driven to a point of despair is sometimes what’s required for surrender to find us. When there’s no fight left, no where else to escape from the pain, it’s the suffering that actually wakes us up. It’s the suffering that shakes us into resurrecting from the ashes of false hope and pushes us towards beginning the honest road to recovering true happiness.

As the final new moon of the decade, just before the exact Saturn-Pluto conjunction on January 12th, 2020, tonight’s Solar Eclipse in Capricorn marks the beginning of so many endings. As we approach the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, the themes of limitation, death, destruction and transformation are building with intensity; on the other side of facing these realities with courage and conviction for collective progress, is the potential for deep ancestral healing, collective efforts capable of supporting sustainable environmental changes, and restructuring systems to recover the integrity of our humanity’s basic goodness. Eclipses in general already mark moments of great change, and promise to move us through portals of experiences that push us into our next phase of the evolutionary journey. Because this particular solar eclipse is sitting in conjunction with The Great Expander Jupiter and in supportive trine to Revolutionary Uranus, with the added bonus of this rare Saturn-Pluto alignment—big change is our task, maturity is our incentive and impermanence is the master.

Ruled by Task-Master Saturn, the Capricorn sea goat is a sign known for its enduring efforts and unflinching depth of dedication. In its highest expression, this drive to succeed is aimed towards the fulfillment of one’s greatest goals in any lifetime—the fulfillment of personal legacy. Unfortunately, the mainstream values of surface-level success, combined with the shared unconscious need to prove self-worth, Capricorn has become the blind ambition to gain glittering social status and fill our material bank accounts—often times at the high cost of an empty life and broken heart. Striving for goals motivated by external validation always leaves an eternal void in the Soul of the sea goat; insatiably hungry and inevitably empty without the motivation of deeper meaning and purpose. Evolutionarily speaking, for Capricorn to successfully complete its purpose this lifetime, one must reclaim the authority of personal integrity and learn to align all efforts with the invaluable reward of self-respect.

We all have Capricorn in our charts. We all have a place in our lives designed specifically for this part of our character development. And currently, we all have the invitation to stop climbing the wrong mountain so that we can actually awaken our greatest potential.

Confronting limitations. Shattering emotional honesty. Grand finales to destructive cycles.

Personally, and collectively, we have exhausted the supply of sheer human will-power to control our circumstances and the destruction left in our awakening is demanding a real change. This solar eclipse in Capricorn signals a rebirth of our ambitions and empowers us to purify our motivations; elevating our desires to benefit more than our personal bank accounts and deepening our commitment to take responsibility for the potential impact of our actions, are the only real choices qualified enough to fuel the successful climb of this next evolutionary mountain.

Enough is finally enough, and the pain of those suffering at the bottom of these toxic systems is beginning to motivate individuals to reclaim their power and remove themselves from their inherited role as victim; people are waking up, speaking up and ready to take action. And, without these individuals continuing to participate in repressing the destructive effects of toxic behaviors or denying the reality of unconscious dynamics, the entire infrastructure is threatened and stability to stand is compromised. It’s only a matter of time before everything built by force and at the expense of whole-system integrity, will crumble.

Because, although we can feel in control of over-powering nature’s course temporarily, nature will always inevitably take its course. That’s the true power of Pluto.

And while these dying structures grasp for final attempts to control and coerce with fear, what will all of the survivors from these broken systems do with their newly claimed conscious freedom?

…Will they gather their resources for revenge, and rage yet another war to seek justice against the abusers? ... Or will they disengage entirely from the fear-based systems and choose to thrive in (re)building a future fertilized from the compost of their sacred rage?

It is always darkest before the dawn, and this is not the time to seek any temporary solution that promises a promotional relief from the present moment. It’s important to acknowledge the very real temptations to return the pain with revenge and seek wounded gratification, because the current eruption of pain surfacing for healing is potent and highly charged. To be awake in this moment of human history comes with the grave consequences of having to face the broken realities directly, of seeing with piercing clarity the damage that’s been done and committing to the deep work that is ahead of any honest collective clean-up efforts. But to have come this far in any path of awakening heart-centered consciousness and not choose to step forward with self-responsibility is a waste of so much potential. Even with the temptations of our wounded desires to pay-back our pain, we have the choice to transmute the emotional energy into passionate fuel for creating a better future and the chance to collectively transcend the limitations of being driven by our unconscious animal instincts.

This evolution is happening. These changes have been building for years. And whether we think we’re ready for it or not, it’s time to answer the call for Love’s Revolution.

These changes are going to challenge every fiber of your being. They are going to call you to face every fear that tries to shrink you from consciously accessing your agency. They are going to push you into uncomfortable positions of confronting your unconscious motivations and require you tend to the fragments from your painful past with deep compassion, patience and humility. To succeed, you will need to be extremely clear with your intentions. You will need to claim your mountain of change to climb with conviction. You will need to invest your full-attention towards developing the practical application of how much you’ve learned and healed up to this point. You will need to experiment with the responsibility of honest integration through consistent self-inquiry. You will need authentic people to encourage your highest potentials, mirror your maturity and hold space for your growing relationship with vulnerability. You will need to know what practices and people ignite your passionate devotion, activate your emotional resiliency, and tend the flame of your heart-centered consciousness.

How do you successfully prepare for facing these challenges? Only you can know your mountain to climb and what you will need to thrive in your journey ahead.

And if you don’t know, then beginning to learn is the perfect place to start investing your energy and applying your efforts.

Hidden in the chaos of our current reality’s demolition, is the gift of a fresh beginning. A beginning that is rooted to nourish healthy whole-system sustainability. A new foundation built with the consideration and honoring of every individual’s needs. A fresh game-plan for next steps developed in rhythm with every cycle of nature. It’s time to deepen our roots so that we can begin rebuilding back to the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.

It’s time to align our efforts and go All-In. Together, may we rise to the occasion with more Love and look forward with conviction to creating a future where every living creature thrives.

Always Love, Sarah


Evolutionary Astrology + Conscious-Living Coaching
| 402.981.4943 |