

I intend for all astrology consultations to serve as a tool for you to live your best life. Astrology helps you recognize your inherent strengths and weaknesses as a unique individual, and initiates the possibility to experience a deeper level of self-acceptance and authenticity. Astro-additionally, it will offer strategic guidance for navigating your life circumstances through the use of timing techniques such as transits, profections, progressions and zodiacal releasing. Using the dates and specific implications of your personal transits provided during your session, you will be empowered to navigate the highs and lows of life with greater self-awareness, alignment and peace.

My professional practice is a synthesis of modern and traditional astrology, held within a container of intentional space-holding and training as a professional life coach. My personal relationship with astrology has empowered me to live a more joyful and authentic life, and I’m passionate to share this gift with you!

All astrological consultations are 60-minutes, live via Zoom and include a recording of the session for your reference. Learn more about the different consultation options below.




1-hour | $222 | Book Session

This astrology consultation is used as a tool for developing greater self-awareness and direction in your life. Using your birth date, location, and time (as exact as possible), my intention is for this session to give you a deeper understanding of your inherent gifts, the areas of life presenting the greatest challenges, and strategies for cultivating a more joyful and confident approach to your life path.

Astro-additionally, during this consultation you will receive dates and specific implications of your personal transits, empowering you to navigate the highs and lows of life with greater self-awareness, alignment and peace.


“My reading with Sarah was a JOY. I honestly had no idea what to expect, but I was completely blown away by the whole experience. The things I learned from my chart were eye-opening and resonated so deeply -it was just so right on, time and again. She intuitively connected dots and related them back to things that might have appeared in my life in the past, and she offered ways to use this information in real life situations going forward. I am so happy I did this. It's going to make a huge impact on the way I view and experience my life and my work.”

-April M.




1-hour | $150 | Book Session

Electional astrology is the process of casting a chart for the birth of an event, venture or undertaking that is used to describe the nature of the event and its future. Ancient astrologers believed that by choosing a specific day and time to begin something, one would be able to align with the powers of the divine timing in the most beneficial and cosmically supported way. This service is for anyone looking for guidance in selecting the most astrologically aligned moment to support the outcome of their desire. Examples of when electional astrology is used are wedding dates, business or personal project launches, moving and traveling dates.




Limited spaces are available for special VIP client offerings including weekly calls and specific timing guidance throughout the month


or book a discovery call here

for more information


Do you have any questions about these offerings?

Schedule a free 15-minute discovery call to learn more!




